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Panties!!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 1717 words)

Author: Here Kitty Kitty Picture in profile
Added: Mar 09 2012Views / Reads: 1498 / 712 [48%]Story vote: 9.80 (10 votes)
I barely knew the guy when I invited him back to my apartment. I definitely didn't expect him to be wearing panties beneath his pants...or that I would find it SO DAMN SEXY.

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It started when I was sixteen. I guess that's how it works for everyone, right? The girl next door; a hot, college student who was the object of my dreams, was into community theater. We'd spend afternoons helping her with her plays. Sometimes she had the boys play female roles. She even dressed us up. I guess something about it just felt right. Something stuck.

Of course, a grown man in a dress isn't socially acceptable. And it's not like I ever wanted to BE a woman. I just got a charge out of dressing up. And so I gravitated toward something more discreet, like panties. At first, I'd just wear them at home. But I slowly got the courage to wear them out in public beneath my clothes. Just on weekends at first.

But by the time I hit my mid-twenties, it was a daily thing. I owned boxers, but it wasn't unusual for me to go days or even weeks without wearing them. I'd go to work in panties.

I'd shared my secret with a few serious girlfriends and most of them were tolerant, although confused. But mostly it was my own private thing. I traveled a lot for work and dreaded one day being asked to open my luggage in an airport and having some security guard see a suitcase filled with silky, lacy panties. But it didn't stop me.

On the road, I mostly kept to myself. But on a long project, I always ...

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