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A family weddingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3676 words)

Author: MeatStick
Added: Apr 25 2012Views / Reads: 2587 / 1955 [76%]Story vote: 9.25 (8 votes)
A family wedding out of city leads to some enticing stories of satisfaction of lust...

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My wife's cousin was getting married and we had to take a trip outside of the city to attend one event. The whole family was travelling together, and we reached my in-laws' place at 10 am, as it was the designated get together spot. When we reached the place, we found that we were the first ones to arrive, so we went inside and settled in. Slowly and steadily others started to arrive. I estimated that it would take an hour for everyone to arrive. Therefore, I started having the delicious breakfast my mother in law had prepared, and caught up on the news on a local news channel. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off my mother in law, and those of you who have read my story ‘The Want' may well know that I have inappropriate relations with her, because she is a total MILF. That day, she looked sexy as hell and her white colored, fitted cotton pants clearly showed the outline of her panties and my cock was constantly stirring to get to attention, but I somehow managed to control it. However, this story is not about me and her.

Then, to make matters worse for my cock, my sister in law came downstairs, and I had to cross my legs to hide the obvious bulge in my jeans. She was wearing beige colored pants, hugging her shapely legs, with her sexy, apple butt accentuated to kill men. I noticed there was no panty line showing and my imagination ran wild as images of her naked ass made my cock rock hard. She had a white top on, which again was hugging her body like second skin, with a V neck, deep enough to show her milky cleavage. A pendant hung from her neck and rested ...

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