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Catching Up With a Friendthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 22668 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Dallas Wonderland Picture in profile
Added: Jun 11 2012Views / Reads: 2727 / 2158 [79%]Part vote: 9.71 (28 votes)
I'd known her my whole life. But I'd never really looked at her. Not until we were back home the summer out freshman year at college...home alone with too much wine....

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Cameron was hot.

Really, that was an understatement.

But it crept up on me that night.

Perhaps it was the wine. Or maybe it was because we hadn't seen one another in so long. We'd been neighbors since we were kids and best friends for nearly as long. We'd been almost inseparable. But that it felt like I was seeing her as a woman for the first time instead of seeing the girl I'd known for most of my life.

It was the first weekend of summer break and the two of us were celebrating a reunion of sort. For the past nine months we'd both been away at different colleges. Though we talked several times a week, we hadn't seen each other since Easter. We'd both been looking forward to coming back home for the summer and getting to hang out and catch up.

We cooked dinner and sat in the living room in front of the TV. Cameron had been bummed out all week that her parents wouldn't be around for her first weekend back. Her father had to go to Europe for some urgent business for his job and her mother and sister had tagged along for the trip. Since we were kids, Cameron had always been uncomfortable alone in the house, so naturally I'd volunteered to keep her company. Her parents were like a second family to me and were comfortable with the ...

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