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My Wife Turned Me Into A Jizz Junkiethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2689 words)

Author: Miss_Tazha
Added: Jan 09 2001Views / Reads: 4543 / 3541 [78%]Story vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
mfm; mid thirties crisis bring a husband and wife to try new things; perks their sex life up :0

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My Wife Turned Me into a Jizz Junkie!

Not long ago, after a satisfying session in bed, out of the blue my wife asked, "Have you ever tasted cum?" Now, Ellen and I have been married for six years. We both had our share of affairs before we met and discussed them freely. Once Ellen had told me about a brief affair she'd had with a 31 year-old woman when she was 19. I told her that the closest I'd ever come to having sex with a male was participating in circle jerks when I was about 13 and just leaning about sex, so she knew I had never sucked a cock.

"You already know the answer to that, Ellen," I replied "No, I mean have you ever tasted your OWN cum?" I had never even thought about it. I asked her why she wanted to know.

"I was reading a story," she said, "about this couple who would fuck and then afterwards the guy would go down on the girl, eating his own cum out of her. The woman said there was nothing like it. Sooo, I was wondering what it would feel like for you to suck me after we fuck. Licking me out before we fuck is great, but I want to find out if getting eaten afterwards really is better."

She stopped, letting me think and waited for my reaction. I honestly had never given any thought to the prospect. Ellen always swallowed my cream when she sucked me off, so I knew it couldn't be awful. But I ...

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