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Construction sitethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1124 words)

Author: MrHolmes
Added: Dec 17 2012Views / Reads: 781 / 395 [51%]Story vote: 6.50 (2 votes)
Mike and Liza are out for a walk and finds an empty construction site and decides to check it out.

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Mike and Liza met in there usual place and walked the block to the park. On the way they pass a construction site of a large building that is empty of workers due to the government holiday...rounding the corner, they discovered a way in and slip through the door. Much to their amazement. They entered a huge room that is filled with scaffholding and saw horses! Liza notice that on the floor is a pile of torn fabric strips that must have held bundles of material for the job.

Mike had walked over to admire the wood work and stood right next to one of the tall scaffholding towers. Liza picked up several strips of torn fabric and walked up behind him. He didn't know she was standing there.

Liza quietly tied 4 pieces of fabric to the metal poles, two as far up as she could reach and pretty far apart, and two more at floor level. She readied herself and tapped him on his shoulder. As soon as he turned around, she leaped towards him and pushed him up against the metal rods behind him, grabbing his left wrist. She yanked his arm up high and grabbed the fabric strilp, wrapping it quickly around his wrist and tied it in a knot. Mike tried to grab at her with his right hand but Liza was too fast, grabbing it and yanking it up as high as the other one, tying it in place as well. She glared into his eyes as she stood directly in front of him, put her hands gently on either side of his face, and leaned in to give him a deep, probing kiss.


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