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Return of the Internthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 15939 words)

Author: Dallas Wonderland Picture in profile
Added: Jun 17 2013Views / Reads: 5100 / 4266 [84%]Story vote: 9.82 (34 votes)
She seduced her boss, took him to a college sex party, and had a threesome with her college roommate. And now she's back for more.

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"You know the biggest obstacle to getting laid for most guys?" Kay asked. "They don't try."

It was a speech she'd given me more than once.

It was early fall and we were in my new office. I'd recently been given a promotion--largely in part to a big project I'd completed over the summer with Kay's help. She'd been an intern at our office.

She'd been a huge asset to the company and there'd been an offer for her to stay on part time, but she'd declined once classes started so she could focus on her studies. This was her first visit back to the office. She was dressed in a blue and white pinstriped button down, a black pencil skirts, stockings, and black heels. Her dark hair was pulled back in a tight bun.

Kay had spent some time catching up with people and talked to a few managers about a chance to do some work over winter break on a contract basis. They were eager to offer her something because she was brilliant and did good work. Not to mention that half the men in the building wanted to fuck her.

But as far as I knew, I was the only one who'd actually done that.

She had made me her last stop of the day. She walked into my new ...

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