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Family Vacationthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 6307 words)

Author: Dallas Wonderland Picture in profile
Added: Jun 28 2013Views / Reads: 7432 / 4642 [62%]Story vote: 9.76 (50 votes)
It had been years since she's had a chance to really cut loose. And then I took a trip to a rowdy beach town...

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I knew it was wrong.

I don't trust anyone who ever says otherwise. People don't really lose their head and become overwhelmed by lust and lose control. We all know exactly what we're doing. And we make a decision to do bad things, even when we know we're crossing a line. It's not that we can't help ourselves. We just choose to act and worry about rationalizing our behavior later.

I can come up with excuses. Just like everyone else. It had been SO LONG since I'd been touched. I got caught up in the moment. Although I'd been a wild girl who ended up with a baby when I was still a teenager, I'd spent at the past 25 years on my best behavior--raising Lance, going to PTA meetings, working hard, and then helping raise Lance raise his stepson, Luke.

But those are just excuses.

Like I said, I knew it was wrong.

I could have stopped myself.

I just didn't want to.

It was the summer after Luke finished high school. My son, Lance, and ...

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