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Life on the Roadthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 8450 words)

Author: Dallas Wonderland Picture in profile
Added: Dec 30 2013Views / Reads: 4022 / 3131 [78%]Story vote: 9.88 (41 votes)
Business travel can get so monotonous. Fortunately, there are pleasant ways to pass the time!

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If you travel enough you start to see the same faces. Business travels seem to take the same flights. They go to the same cities. They stay at the same hotels. Everyone picks an airline or hotel chain based on a loyalty program. So if you spend a month in the downtown Hilton in Minneapolis, it's not uncommon to run into someone you met in the bar a year later in the same hotel brand in another major city.

It's not like you become friends. You might strike up a conversation in a bar. But mostly it's just a polite nod when you see the same face again in the parking garage or getting off the elevator. It's probably not that much different than people with traditional jobs in skyscrapers or giant corporate campuses. There are people you know, but you don't really know.

Life on the road is lonely. It's virtually impossible to have a relationship back home when you spend most of the week in a hotel. People have different ways of coping. Most drink too much. Others spend every waking moment focused on work. And some turn to sex.

Everyone has their preferences. For some it's blowing off steam with a co-worker after spending hours together doing business. I've known tons of consultants who ended up in passionate, tumultuous affairs with their colleagues. I've also known men and women who preferred to troll the bars looking for meaningless one night.


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