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Babs is growing up.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3218 words)

Author: Jeanie
Added: Feb 06 2014Views / Reads: 2659 / 1875 [71%]Story vote: 9.41 (17 votes)
A coming of age story set in South Florida.

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According to my mother, I was the fortunate recipient of the best of the family gene pool. By the time I was a senior in high school, I was getting my name out there in the modeling world. Local gigs through an agency came easy, mostly booth work at conventions and print work in free newspaper media, and one Sears catalog shoot in the women's underwear section.

I received some grief at school for the Sears photos, but not as much as I expected. The girls in my class were more envious than anything, and who knows what the boys had to say. I had had it with those guys, I couldn't wait to graduate.

My first boyfriend had bragged to his buddies about things that were true, but private. Then he had also lied to them about his sexual prowess with me in the backseat of his mother's Subaru. Word had spread fast but I wasn't looking for that type of attention. The second and third boyfriends weren't much better.

The man who actually seduced me had wined me and dined me over on South Beach, the mecca of modeling in this part of the world, talking big about the jobs he could get me, specifically a plum photo shoot which involved the new State of Florida tourist brochure. The wine I had had gave him cool, and he was smooth and dressed very nice. He took me upstairs to his Art Deco hotel room to explain. Twenty minutes later I was taking the down elevator feeling really stupid and ashamed. ...

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