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Mr. Wonderfulthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 5200 words)

Author: Jeanie
Added: Feb 09 2014Views / Reads: 7288 / 3670 [50%]Story vote: 9.85 (13 votes)
Harper sees changes in her attitude like she has never imagined.

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No one ever said that living through puberty was easy, but the transition is a lot rougher for some. It didn't help that I was given the family name, ‘Harper'. Who names a girl Harper, especially someone who later lacks many of the female graces? I was always overweight with a hawkish face, and as my body began to change, dark hair suddenly appeared on my upper lip.

The only men that I identified with were my dad, an older brother Rick, and Uncle Jack. Putting up with me must have been tough. I was treated poorly at school and most days brought the burden home with me. It seemed the bullies took turns publicly ridiculing me, or worse, totally ignoring me. The only place I could hide was at home where I was the respected woman of the household. I had some control there but was regularly surly to those who loved me.

But all that changed my senior year. Suddenly the high school boys were turning their heads when I passed, and the girls were now looking me in the eye. I was being noticed. My dad, Rick, and Uncle Jack had included me in their obsession of being triathletes. All the training that goes along with that had slimmed me down some. But the thing that ticked me off was that all of a sudden I'm a human being because I have boobs? I was the same person. Only my appearance had changed.

Our home seemed to evolve into a sports center with new friends stopping in regularly. I was basically reluctant and lazy, but I really ...

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