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I resisted, but not enough!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4723 words)

Author: MsMarie
Added: Jan 20 2001Views / Reads: 11140 / 9694 [87%]Story vote: 9.00 (25 votes)
My husband the voyeur wanted to watch me get someone else hot and we would make love right after he left!

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I was shocked! My husband,, asked me to make love to another man right in front of him........ and I didn't know what to say. He told me that he had always been a voyeur and that was what got him excited the most. The whole thought of making love to another man (especially in front of him) really had me thinking that he was a bit strange, or a bit queer. No matter how you looked at it, it certainly wasn't an accepted act! Not sure exactly how to react to this request and we talked about it quite a bit. I admitted that there were times when I would fantasize about other men, or men without faces. But fantasies are one thing, and actually doing it quite another.

A little about us... We've been married about a year, I'm 27, and he's 35. I'm about 5'6", 132lbs with "C" breasts and a flat stomach. He's about 6'0", 190 lbs, muscular and with some sexy hair on his chest and very strong arms.

While on the one hand it did excite me a little to think about the possibilities.... Although I wouldn't tell him that I did "play" with the thought from time to time. Anyway... one day we were out drinking and dancing and I had danced a few dances with another guy who had asked me. When I went back to the table my husband leaned over and whispered.... "Would you like to make it with that guy?" I got a little red-faced and I'm sure I was blushing enough to light up the room... but I answered, "No! I don't want to go to bed with anyone but you!" He replied "I saw you up there!" (speaking of me dancing with the ...

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