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Meatheadthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4351 words)

Author: Jeanie
Added: Jan 09 2015Views / Reads: 2688 / 1132 [42%]Story vote: 9.55 (11 votes)
Rachel has political aspirations and having a tough time of it until her old flame decides a new direction.

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There was a reason I had moved to Naples, Florida but I hadn't revealed it to anyone. I am a Daddy's girl and I told my family that I liked the small town flavor of the area, but that was only a fragment of the truth. I was caged ambition in sheep's clothing, and the people there were going to help me along on my journey. It's not that well known that there is a part of Naples where one may rub elbows with the wealth and power of the country. Many winter there on the Gulf of Mexico and some of their influential friends pass through from time to time. I saw the potential to tap into this treasure trove for lofty reasons. I was on a mission.

My father had said offhandedly at a State Dinner in Tallahassee that there would be a Florida legislative seat up for grabs pretty soon. Old "Stoney" Blackstone was due to hang up his spurs in a year or two and maybe take up fishing. If that happened, you couldn't really blame the guy. Two heart attacks and having a man's wife of 35 years passing away can take the starch out of any man. Within weeks I had moved to the district to begin fulfilling the requirements to qualify for residency.

I had worked under Papa's campaign manager for the past few years so I was plugged into the workings behind the scenes that came with the give and take of business as usual. I came to realize I had some real issues with the way politics was run in my state, serious issues. I had seen backroom deals made that tore at my soul and I had a flood of ...

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