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Revenge 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5110 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: JL Picture in profile
Added: May 04 2016Views / Reads: 1520 / 1246 [82%]Part vote: 9.47 (19 votes)
The ex-wife comes back, and nothing will ever be the same . . .

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"Hello?" I dropped my suitcases inside the door. "Anybody? I'm home?"

My ex-wife Lila came out of the kitchen in tight shorts and a blue T-shirt. "Hey, Bob. How was the book tour?"

I tried not to gaze at her legs. We'd been divorced for years. Mostly because I couldn't stay faithful to her. But she'd agreed to stay with our daughter Amy while I was on a publicity tour for my latest novel.

I sank down onto the couch. "Thanks for staying here with Amy. Was it hard?"

"Oh, we had loads of fun. Pizza, shopping, swimming . . . your pool is almost as big as mine. And it's great for skinny dipping." She smirked. "Did you get laid?"

I hesitated. Two college students in a motel room, naked and eager. They took turns sucking my cock, and in between I licked each of their pussies, and then they lined up on the bed, asses high. I slammed my cock into each one, back and forth, until I came inside, uhh . . . the one on the left. I didn't remember their names.

And then the bookstore rep who picked me up from the airport. In her ...

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