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Spontaneous Combustion - Installment III - Advancing the Businessthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 50291 words)

Author: Rhino
Added: Jul 30 2016Views / Reads: 931 / 764 [82%]Story vote: 9.60 (10 votes)
This segment of the epic novel length erotic story introduces most members of the 'entertainment team'. There's a lot of hot sex when you get to the team members. Enjoy, and be sure to vote and comment. Thanks.

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Spontaneous Combustion - Installment III

Advancing the Business

Author's Note: This is a continuation of the epic novel story. Andrew Mason moves into a leadership role and learns more about his impact and his future prospects. This is a key segment preparing for future erotic exploits. Hang in there, there's more to come. --Rhino

Six more months passed. During that time period, a series of events transpired to alter opinions and convictions. These events started the very next week after Ron's visit. James Shaw called Andrew to his office. After congratulating him on the successful visit and the additional orders, James asked about Ron Griffith's interest in entertainment. When Ron explained that it didn't come up, James Shaw expressed his disappointment. He opined that the orders could have been even greater if that option had been offered.

Andrew was surprised at Shaw's observation and with the intensity with which it was delivered. Defensively, he spoke out, "Well, I'm not sure about that. First of all, he didn't have time on this visit. He was only here for two half-days, one night. Secondly, he talked a lot about his wife with me. I know her. She used to baby sit for my girls. Well, so did he for that matter. I will have to be very ...

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