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Spontaneous Combustion -- Installment IV -- Meeting Susan Daytonthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 25846 words)

Author: Rhino
Added: Jul 31 2016Views / Reads: 1309 / 1062 [81%]Story vote: 9.89 (9 votes)
In this segment of the epic novel length story, we meet the spectacular Susan Dayton, and things change for Andrew - in ways he did not expect. Read, enjoy, vote, and comment. Thanks.

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Spontaneous Combustion - Installment IV - Meeting Susan Dayton

Author's Note: This segment of this epic novel story introduces an important character who will have a significant impact on the rest of the narrative. You will enjoy reading about Susan. She's a real treat. --Rhino

Susan Dayton

Andrew was up early the next morning. He helped get the kids ready for school, but left before Karen. Once again, he arrived at the office before anyone else. As he reviewed his schedule for the day, he was reminded of his lunch appointment with Susan Dayton. He also discovered that another order came in from GHI Industries. It was a modest order by GHI standards, nonetheless it represented new and plus business. These were items that GHI normally bought elsewhere. So Ron was sending new business. That was a good sign. Andrew dashed off a quick ‘thank you' email to let Ron know that he noticed.

Other staff began arriving and Andrew focused his attention on reviewing the overnight ‘rushes' - business reports that reflected this year's performance against last year's and against budget. In the midst of a very busy season, the numbers were running ahead of last year, but behind plan. Andrew made notes of points to share in an upcoming meeting. When Caroline came in asking him about coffee, he gratefully ...

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