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Spontaneous Combustion - Installment V - The Setup and the Return of the Sparkthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 33967 words)

Author: Rhino
Added: Aug 01 2016Views / Reads: 892 / 736 [83%]Story vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
Andrew conspires to advance the Entertainment Team and Karen's relationship with Ron. Some of the results are, for Andrew, unexpected. How does he cope? Please read on, enjoy, vote, and comment. -- Rhino

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Spontaneous Combustion - Installment V - The Setup and the Return of the Spark


Author's Note: Andrew plans changes at work while Karen tries to decide how to handle a possible reunion with Ron. Things get involved and produce some spectacular sex. Read on, enjoy, vote, and comment. Your feedback is important.



The next day Andrew helped get the kids ready, but took off for work early. He arrived enough in advance of others so he expected to be the first one there. He was surprised, then, to discover that Brenda Baker was already there.

"Morning, Brenda. You're here early. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is just fine, Mr. Mason. I'm looking forward to today."

"Me, too, Brenda. And, please call me Andrew." (And not ‘Andy' he thought.) ...

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