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Kelseythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3950 words)

Author: Miss Priss
Added: Feb 06 2001Views / Reads: 2842 / 1979 [70%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
"Kelsey" is a coming of age story. It starts out slowly but the goods are in the end. This is my first attempt at an erotic story and I would appreciate any constructive criticism.

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Kelsey got home later than usual and sighed as she dug out her keys to unlock her apartment door. She let herself in and looked around her small but neat apartment. It wasn’t much but she was proud of the way she had been supporting herself since she dropped out of college against her parents’ wishes. She was only nineteen and had her whole life ahead of her. She knew she would return to college one day but wanted to figure things out for herself first. She had a lot of unanswered questions: her negative image of herself and her absolute fear of members of the opposite sex.

Kelsey pushed these thoughts out of her mind and walked across the living room to throw her purse and sunglasses on the dining room table before dragging herself to the bedroom. She bent down to take off her panty hose and noticed the reflection of her legs in the mirror. Kelsey had always liked her legs. They were long and beautifully curved and she sat flexing her calf muscles and admiring them. She laughed a little at her own ego and sighed as she removed her dress and bra and looked at her image in the mirror. Her ego did not extend to the rest of her body. She supposed she was beautiful but wasn’t sure. She had just lost a lot of weight and examined the new body before her. Where once her hips and butt had stuck out awkwardly from the rest of her body, they now formed a graceful curve like she had always imagined they might. Where once her stomach jutted out, it now lay flat, showing the results of faithful sit-ups everyday. She had small but full breasts at a 36B and she supposed they were nice but had no basis ...

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