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Just you wait until you meet Mirathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 4124 words)

Author: Jeanie
Added: Sep 02 2018Views / Reads: 2235 / 1614 [72%]Story vote: 9.68 (19 votes)
Reagan is awed by her new surroundings, but more-so by her new circumstances.

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The house was way too big. I had just moved my stuff in and it was quiet as a tomb. My room was on the third floor, for pete's sake. And mom and her new big-shot fiance left to go to some conference somewhere while I'm all alone for the whole weekend. What was I going to do? There's a bus. I may go back downtown to hang with Mira. She probably misses me already.

But there is something odd that is happening to me. Luxury and unbelievable cool living arrangements are seducing my desire to leave. The house was my new step-father's family home growing up. Step-granddaddy had operated a very successful architectural firm and he had incorporated amazing things to the manor styled home. The top floor of the house was split into two very large and well appointed bedrooms sharing a huge bathroom, bigger than any room in our old apartment. In fact, the whole house could hold most of our old apartment building. It was truly amazing. And the General's son, who I haven't met, will be the occupant of the other bedroom when he gets back. That's where the weirdness comes in.

I've listened to the General brag continuously about his son and when I found out a few weeks ago that Brandon had a summer job as a Page on the Senate floor in Washington, my ears perked up. How did he do that? How fucking cool! This made me hungry to look at family photos which caused my mind to explode with fantasies. I shared my awe of the guy with Mira and she just rolled her eyes. "He sounds like he's a ...

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