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A photo shootthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2992 words)

Author: slobuild
Added: Nov 07 2019Views / Reads: 2828 / 2388 [84%]Story vote: 9.74 (23 votes)
Liz gets a gift of a photo shoot from some friends. She soon realises that she doesn't just want an artistic portrait photo to hang on the wall. She wants erotic photos of herself. Small chance of that happening though with this photographer...or is

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Liz was quite excited about her birthday present. She had been given a photo shoot with a photographer, who was well known in the area for his creative wedding and family photos. He was also quite good looking, which was a bonus.

She arrived at his studio on time and was met by the photographer at the door. His studio was a lovely brick building in the garden of his country cottage. Liz was shown into the room they would be using and found it quite to her taste. There were a variety of textures on the walls and a lovely wooden floor. A couch and various props were also on hand

The photographer made Liz feel very at ease, and he just snapped away while she sat on the couch and they chatted. After a few minutes the photographer, whose name was Dave invited her to come and look at the type of shots he had got and discuss the type of thing she wanted to get out of today.

Liz was stunned at the quality of the photos. They looked so natural and un-posed for which was hardly surprising as she had hardly been aware that they were being taken. One photo caught her eye and curiously excited her. She wanted a longer look at it but was a little embarrassed to ask the photographer to go back to it as he flicked through them on the monitor. It was one where she had turned to one side to ask about a photo on the wall. Her top had pulled tight across ...

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