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The Pleasure Seekersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4239 words)

Author: Dallas Wonderland Picture in profile
Added: Feb 06 2020Views / Reads: 1890 / 1478 [78%]Story vote: 9.64 (14 votes)
Young Love. Forbidden Lust. And a secluded beach

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Breeana and I weren't friends.

We'd known each other since elementary school. We had been in a lot of the same classes. But by high school we were in different social circles. I was an uncool nerd who used my wit to avoid being a complete outcast. She was an aloof hipster who hung who didn't care about fitting in.

I'd always had a thing for her, but it didn't matter in the high school dynamic. She dated guys who were trying to start their own indie rock band. I dated whomever would have me.

But high school ends the day you graduate. Bree and I were going to the same college and both living at home. We were in some of the same core freshman classes. It made sense to carpool a few days a week to save on gas and parking.

I was nervous those first few weeks. I was spending a ninety minute round trip with a gorgeous, cool, intelligent redhead who I barely talked to in school. But I always had my wit and awkward charm to fall back on. Inevitably we developed a rapport. Our conversations were easy. We had a similar sense of humor and liked the same music and films. She'd managed to avoid the stereotype in high school, but Bree was a nerd at heart. Just one who happened to be pretty and well-dressed. ...

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