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Shopping Spreethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1493 words)

Author: Here Kitty Kitty Picture in profile
Added: Mar 19 2020Views / Reads: 1713 / 1310 [76%]Story vote: 9.59 (27 votes)
Nothing hits the spot like sex with a stranger...except maybe sex with two different strangers on the same day!

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I love sex and I've never been in a committed relationship. Slut is a label I wear with pride and I have the credentials to back it up.

As bold as I can be, I've never just approached a stranger for sex. I usually meet people in bars or restaurants or on dating apps. Or they approach me. So I felt like I needed to put some bait on the hook to make it known I might be open for business. I looked at the clothing I had hanging in the hotel closet. All conservative business professional outfits. But I knew I could put something together.

I put on my black pin-striped pencil skirt with a thin silk blouse that I typically wear under a sweater over a lacy black bra that easily showed through the blouse. I left half the buttons open so anyone could look down my top if I leaned forward. I applied my brightest red lipstick and took the elevator down and got an Uber to a local mall in an upscale area. The driver was undressing me with his eyes for the entirety of the ride.

I got a lot of looks strolling confidently through the corridors with my heels clicking loudly and my blouse fluttering open. But nobody approached. Rather than wait around I had a plan in mind. I went to a high-end men's wear store. It was pretty sleepy on a weeknight. There was one guy working the register and another around the merchandise, but only one customer in the shop. She was obviously tie shopping for someone special. ...

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