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It's What I Really Wantthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3865 words)

Author: Rhino
Added: May 03 2020Views / Reads: 3321 / 2740 [83%]Story vote: 9.75 (16 votes)
An important employee who's work effort is critical to his department's successful operation is inticed to stay with the company

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It's What I Really Want

The team leader for the tracking unit of the expediting section of the warehouse, Roger Wilson, looked with dismay at the resignation letter given to him by Jack Tarrington, perhaps the most essential member of his team. Roger knew the negative impact this would have on his operation would be devastating, and he dreaded having to tell his boss, Alex Decker, the section chief.

Roger quickly made his rounds, checking on things. Everything was satisfactory, so he headed for Alex Decker's office and presented the document. Alex read the document and exclaimed, "Oh, no! This is terrible news. I need to talk with him right away." He looked around and noticed Jack entering the break-room area. He got up and headed for the breakroom, arriving just as Jack settled at a table. Alex grabbed a cup of coffee and asked, "Do you mind if I join you?"

"No, not at all," Jack replied.

Alex settled into a chair and placed the document on the table, near Jack. "This is disappointing, Jack. You are important to our operation. What can I do to make you stay? How about a nice raise?" He named a figure that impressed Jack.

"That's very generous," Jack responded. "But, really, this wasn't about ...

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