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Sharing my best friend's husbandthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3211 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Matt
Added: Jan 22 2021Views / Reads: 3088 / 2524 [82%]Part vote: 9.84 (31 votes)
This story is from “her” perspective, but written by “him”. It could also be in the older women/men category. I hope you like it. Don’t forget to vote.

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It is now nearly eight years since I lost Kev, the husband who was my first and only lover. We were together for over 30 years. In the years that followed, I seem to have managed to get by without sex, but something deep inside me yearned for the sensual touch of a loving man. I have dabbled with online porn, especially Erotic Stories, which has been better than nothing and at least gave me the incentive to pleasure myself. But that only seemed to deepen the yearning for something solid to excite me within.

When Kev was still alive, Joe and Angie were already close friends. We always got on well as a foursome. We went on holidays together and had a long and happy history as friends. Although neither of us would have cheated on our partners, I was in no doubt that there is a physical attraction between Joe and me. This manifested itself in slightly longer hugs and kisses when greeting or leaving each other. More than once I could feel the firmness of his manhood being pressed into me in a way that left no doubt that this was more than just a friendly hug. For my part, I would make sure I pressed myself firmly into his chest.

Since Kev died, these hugs have become my only really close contact with a man and we have moved to kissing on the lips instead of cheeks, plus Joe has taken to placing his hands on my bottom to pull me in even closer. I am sure Angie notices these things but she has never mentioned it. I think she realises how much I miss close contact with a man and trusts us both enough to know we won't go too far. ...

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