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The Landlady...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2046 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Mr Bodyheat
Added: Feb 22 2001Views / Reads: 6017 / 5034 [84%]Part vote: 7.71 (7 votes)
My landlady was a mature woman. I never thought how sexy she was till I saw her in a bathing suit...

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July 17th, 1995 ( I wrote it in my diary on July 17th. The incident had taken place two day earlier)

The Land Lady ...

My story begins in Toronto. I had moved there for college and was looking for an apartment near the campus. Newspaper had an add for a one bedroom not very far from college. "Call Nancy at ....." it stated. I called her and booked an appointment. I found absolutely nothing sexy about Nancy the first time I saw her. With short blonde hair and green eyes, she must have been in her late 30's. A very polite woman I must say. She was managing a restaurant and trying to raise two teenagers at the same time. I signed the lease and took the apartment.

As I lived with her I found out that she was a widow and her work kept her very busy. She barely had time to look beautiful. Whenever I met her she seemed to be in a hurry and I never got to see much of her.

My sexual interest in her began when I got up one morning and looked out of the window. Me and Nancy had the same backyard and there was a swimming pool there that she had gotten cleaned and filled for the summer. That morning she had just taken a dip and was standing the in sun drying herself with a towel. She was wearing a black one- piece swimming costume that fitted her curves very well. I just stood there admiring her physical attributes. She was not at all a slim woman. But, ...

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