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The Campsitethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4455 words)

Author: mark_jacobs50
Added: Jan 20 2023Views / Reads: 2879 / 2437 [85%]Story vote: 9.50 (14 votes)
caught in the rain, he offers her help, and she gladly agrees.

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The Campsite

His name was Mark. He loved hiking and camping. His preferred method was lone camping in a tent. Until recently that is. About a month ago his friend offered to sell him his camper trailer. It changed camping for him. During this trip he knew he wanted a quiet place without much traffic. The last two places he visited were too busy to allow him to relax. He found out about an older campsite for trailers that was out of the way and rarely used. He thought he would give it a try.

When Friday morning came around, he loaded the truck before dawn and hooked up the trailer and headed for a well deserved break. He arrived at the camp around 6 PM and settled in. Sitting outside drinking a beer, enjoying the complete solitude (no there campers were anywhere around), he turned on the radio and tuned in the baseball game and relaxed as the commentators filled the air, calling the plays as he envisioned the game in his head. About an hour had passed when he heard the distinct sound of people talking and laughing. No many minutes later they appeared on the trail, walking ang laughing. The group of hikers was comprised of men and women, he estimated their ages ranged from 25-45 years old. He watched them as they made their way along the trail as the passed his trailer. They stopped along the trail and stared at him. Soon after, two men walked to him and asked the rules for camping and he informed them there shouldn't be any reason they couldn't make camp there/ The men decided to make camp near the trailer ...

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