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Lucy from the officethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 5387 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: slobuild
Added: Mar 19 2023Views / Reads: 4309 / 3477 [81%]Part vote: 9.71 (28 votes)
A friendship develops at work and slowly evolves into something more - much more

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Lucy worked in the same office as me. She sat a few desks away from me. We spoke at odd times and then, after a few months got to know one another a bit better because we sat together at the Office Christmas lunch. We found a common sense of humour and a few common interests. Not long after that Lucy started to come to the pub with a group of us on Friday lunchtimes.

Lucy was not a glamorous girl. She dressed in a very plain manner and her clothes often looked old and well worn. She lived with her husband in a small flat. Lucy's husband didn't sound like the type of guy I would take to. He had never worked a day in his life as he didn't see the point of it. He smoked heavily, tobacco and other substances. He spent his days watching TV and gaming and supposedly looking for a job- Just hard enough to maximise his state benefits, with no real intention of taking one. Everyone who had met him at work functions (only the ones with free booze of course) said they couldn't understand why Lucy stayed with him. I guess she saw some potential in him that others missed. Perhaps he was just really good in bed.

Although not glamorous, Lucy was quite striking. Long straight blonde hair that shone like the sun, and warm smiling face. She was tall - about three inches taller than me, without heels. She had a fairly slim body, but she was the first to admit it was not as slim as it used to be. She said there were bits that wobbled these days. From what I could see there didn't seem too much in the way of wobbly bits - except her ...

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