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Unintentional Affair Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3246 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: John Solo Picture in profile
Added: Oct 03 2023Views / Reads: 3065 / 2605 [85%]Part vote: 9.95 (20 votes)
Jane finally lets go and accepts Roy's proposal

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With the wedding just a few days away there was still lots of last minute stuff that had to be done. Jane was grateful for the distractions which kept them occupied and apart from each other. It wasn't until later that afternoon that her perilous predicament reared its way back into her thoughts.

The soon to be bride and groom had to get down to the facility where they were having the event. At the last minute they invited her to come along with them. Her husband was still hungover from the night before so he opted to stay behind. Just as they were about to leave her sister in law twisted her ankle getting into the car. Not wanting to take any chances and make it worse she had to stay behind. Now it was just the two of them running errands together.

At first he appeared to be acting normal, chatting as though the past few days didn't happen. For a brief moment she thought maybe she had just imagined the whole thing, attributing it to reading too many erotic stories on line.

Suddenly she felt his hand on her bare knee again. She wore another sundress, white in color this time. It was very warm so she had only packed her summer dresses so no matter what she wore her legs would always be exposed.

"You look really good today." he said, giving her knee a gentle squeeze. ...

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