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Unintentional Affair Part Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5158 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: John Solo Picture in profile
Added: Oct 17 2023Views / Reads: 2092 / 1615 [77%]Part vote: 9.57 (14 votes)
Jane continues her affair with Roy and things start to escalate...

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The rest of the afternoon they ran their errands. As they drove he continued caressing her legs and she would reach over and stroke his cock through his shorts. They both knew that once they returned home they'd have to temporarily stop their play.

It was difficult for her to focus on anything as they sat down to dinner. Even though she showered as soon as they came back she could still feel the remnants of his semen deep inside her body. There were four large deposits she received earlier that afternoon, her body was still sore from the pounding.

He couldn't stop thinking about her. He watched her as she walked around the kitchen, her legs flexed as she reached up to get something from the pantry. His cock throbbed as he thought about what he had done to her earlier, how he had spent some time tasting every inch of her delicious legs.

She could feel his eyes on her as she helped pass out dessert. She sat down across from him and helped herself to a popsicle. He watched her as she slid her lips over the top of the popsicle, slowly licking all around. She made eye contact with him briefly and smiled. She knew what he was thinking as she enjoyed her treat.

As the evening went on she found it hard not to think about what they had done. It may have only been an hour but she felt it was the best ...

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