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Suprise for Mariethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2043 words)

Author: Marie
Added: Mar 04 2001Views / Reads: 4035 / 2298 [57%]Story vote: 8.56 (9 votes)
Marie was told to wait patiently for her suprise, little did she know it would be the suprise of her life! Comments and feedback please

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The Surprise

It was about 9:30 on a weekday night, I was just relaxing and reading when the phone rang. It was Marc, my boyfriend. He would sometimes call me this late to see if I wanted “company”. I was just thinking that I would like that, so I said that would be great. Since he lived in the same apartment complex he had a key to the main door to the entrance my cluster of four units. As usual he told me to unlock my door and put on some soft music, but this time he gave me some more explicit instructions. He told me to go have a good size glass of wine and wait for him, as usual, nude in my bed. This time he told me that I must keep my eyes closed and must not open them until he told me I could. He said he had a surprise for me and I must not spoil it. Marc liked lingerie and other things like very mild bondage, so I thought the surprise might be along those lines. He said it would be a while before he got there, so I must be patient.

I did as he asked and waited in bed for the 20 minutes it took him to get there, all the while wondering what the surprise could be. While I was waiting I was rubbing my nipples and clit and was getting a bit warmed up. I heard the door to the apartment open and the close, and closed my eyes tightly, the wine was having its effect and I was thoroughly relaxed, but my anticipation was building for the surprise.

I heard Marc stop just inside my room and take his clothes off. He came ...

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