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The Gamethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 3233 words)

Author: Melody
Added: May 09 2001Views / Reads: 9957 / 7106 [71%]Story vote: 8.67 (6 votes)
What happens to wifey when she loses a bet.

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The Game

We were bored, both of us, nothing on T.V, neither one of us felt like getting dressed and going to the video store to get a movie, the wind was howling and the rain was pelting furiously against the windows, it was only a little after seven and already it was dark.

"Let's play a few games of cribbage" my lover suggests, "Ah that's no fun, I always beat you," I teased back "Okay, hotshot, this time we'll have a little wager, instead of playing for a nickel a point we'll play for something else" he said a little too slyly. "What 'something else' do you have in mind, I'm wondering, you dirty old man" "Winner's choice, whatever favor will be granted, if I lose you could even suggest I do the housework, laundry and cooking tomorrow and you can sit back with your feet up and watch me" he said smoothly.

That man knows me too well, that would be exactly the price I'd have him pay, just to have a Saturday to myself and not have to spend it with household chores, we both work all week, only have the weekend to relax a little and one whole day is devoted to chores, we usually share that workload, he doing the vacuuming and floor washing, while I do the rest.

I was game and said so enthusiastically, already planning what I would do with all those free hours. With tongue firmly in cheek I inquired ...

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