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Nuriya- The Slavethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 2180 words)

Author: Miss M
Added: Aug 29 2001Views / Reads: 4072 / 3427 [84%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
The story of a young girl taken into slavery in ancient times. This is just the beginning. Feedback of any sort is greatly appreciated.

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By: M 2001

Please send any comments that you may have. I am only starting out and hope to improve my writing to convey my ideas.


My name is Nuriya and I am a slave.

It was the spring of my eleventh year when the strangers came. They came from the east like the powerful shamin winds. Riding astride the most magnificent of beast, our village was overwhelmed before the men could mount any form of defense. All of the men were slain by these strangely dressed men. I believed that we must have offended the gods in some way for such horror to be allowed to take place.

Before the Sun had reached the midpoint of the sky, their decimation was complete. All of us children were rounded together; most were crying and screaming for their parents. I on the other hand could only stare as two of the men preformed the most vile and savage acts upon my mother. I was only spared a similar fate, because Mohima, the old sage of our village, quickly reminded the men that a girl of my astonishing beauty would demand a much higher price as a virgin. When they looked ...

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