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The Old Franklin Placethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 2624 words)

Author: Mike Johnson
Added: Oct 28 2001Views / Reads: 3837 / 3359 [88%]Story vote: 8.00 (7 votes)
Kristi breaks into a house late at night to prove it isn't haunted, and soon finds herself being tied up by something she can't even see.

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The Old Franklin Place

by Mike Johnson <mikej465@hotmail.com>

"Oh, don't be ridiculous," Kristi said. "Of course it's not haunted. You're just being ridiculous."

Kristi, who was nearing the end of her freshman year of college, was arguing with Jennifer, one of her best friends.

"Yes it is. You know the stories of old man Franklin in that place. How he kept girls there and ... well, know knows what all he did with them. And ever since he was finally killed, he's been haunting the place. Why else would no one have lived in there for so long? It's haunted," she said with finality.

Kristi rolled her eyes at her friend, and said, "I don't care. I think it looks like an interesting house. Just to prove to you that it's not haunted, I'm going to go visit it tonight."

Jennifer's eyes doubled in size as she stared aghast at Kristi. "You can't be serious."

"I am, and that's the end of it. I can't believe how ridiculous you're being." And she walked off. ...

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