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Guarding the toolsthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:sex at work, 1846 words)

Author: Timmy
Added: May 27 2004Views / Reads: 2919 / 2531 [87%]Story vote: 8.83 (6 votes)
While working security at the airport I find something else worth guarding

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Guarding the tools

As the shift supervisor for a security firm for a medium sized airport I have a great opportunity to meet some wonderful people. Sure, you get the usual upset harried travelers but on the whole most people are pleasant. One particular area I love to work is the executive aircraft hanger. It is usually filled with beautiful people going back and forth to their executive jets. All day long I get to see stars, executives and just plain rich folk get into their Gulfstreams, Lears and Falcon jets accompanied by their entourages, mistresses and lovers. I quite enjoy the parade of people as I try to guess who is who and where they are going. At night it is quite the different story as only the servicing people are around cleaning or doing maintenance on the jets. The worker bees I call them, fussing and bussing around the jets, making sure that everything is safe and sparkling. I love to watch the hive of actively as soap opera star X leaves and the swarm descends on the plane to ready it for her next naughty adventure. You get to know the people that work here quite quickly as they all must pass through the check point and go through the metal detector. An unfortunate necessity after 9-11 but one that everyone seems not to mind. Quite often I will get to talk to the staff as they forget their keys in their pocket and I have to call them back to check them over. Maybe a forgotten pass here or a lost thing there and you soon get to know everyone on the night shift. That is how I got to meet Dan. At first I thought he was an absolute goof. He was always forgetting ...

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