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Writer's profile for 'melissa'
ESmail Send private message
Email address sassyBrat48842@yahoo.com
City lansing
State michigan
Country usa
Birthdate 9-24-1962
Sex Female
Marital state married
Interests writting,boating camping,nascar,being with friends and making new ones
Comments please read my story and let me know what you thought maybe get me writting more

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'melissa' has written 1 stories (1 in archive):

exotic dreamthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1469 words)
Author: melissa
Added: Mar 09 2007Views / Reads: 565 / 304 [54%]Story vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
its about a dream of a woman with a man she wants and goes into exotic with it gives every details on it.

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