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Meeting My On-Line Sub - Chapter 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2139 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Master Thomas
Added: Nov 26 2002Views / Reads: 1607 / 1315 [82%]Part vote: 8.14 (7 votes)
A Master finally meets his on-line submissive for a long weekend. I plan to add several chapters. Comments are welcome.

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Meeting My On-Line Sub Chapter 1 By: Master Thomas

I heard the knock on my hotel room door and I knew it was her. I didn't answer it right away, I wanted her to wait, not knowing what would happen. When I opened the door I saw her standing in the hallway, wearing the raincoat like I ordered. I knew that she had nothing on underneath. She's tied the scarf around her eyes, blindfolding herself, just as my e-mail had instructed her.

She was nervous, I could see that. She was also excited as I slowly walked all the way around her, not making a sound, except for my socks on the rich carpet; not touching her either. There would be a lot of touching in just a few minutes, no need to rush it now.

I could feel my cock throbbing in my pants and I fought the urge to touch myself, or to have her touch me.

She drew in her breath sharply at my first touch, the dog collar that I pushed over the top of her head so that it hung around her neck. The collar was made of links of chain connected together, designed for a large dog. She expected the click of the leash, and I didn't disappoint her. Later I'd lead her by that leash into the party upstairs, but not yet. This time was for me alone.

I whispered into her ear, softly. "If you're ready to go through with ...

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