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Nosy neighbors make good loversthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2584 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: mattiez1975
Added: May 22 2003Views / Reads: 3322 / 2774 [84%]Part vote: 8.20 (5 votes)
First part of me fucking my way through the Hollywood Hills. I find out that my very attractive neighbor has been watching me. Young adults at the height of their sexual powers.mf oral voyeurism

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Last night while I was walking my dog Mel (a Faun Great Dane) past my neighbor Kim's house- her little fuzzy dog ran out to bark as usual.  Kim came out to quiet  her minion, as usual, and we said hello as usual.  But tonight the dogs just wouldn't keep away from each other- they kept trying to break down the fence to get together.  Kim told me that her dog coco was in heat and boy crazy - I let her know that Mel had been fixed so we decided to let them play in her front yard so they could let off a little steam.  Mel is about 20 times bigger than Coco but eventually he kept lying down and letting Coco hump his head.  Kim couldn't stop laughing until finally it got to be a bit embarassing the way she shook and shook .  She said Coco must have picked up on her own sexual frustration and too bad that the object of her affections didn't have the right equipment to service her.

Kim and I have been friendly for the past few years but have never socialized beyond Hi and did you meet the new mailman and general small talk.  I have always thought she was well hot, but didn't ever pursue it because I didn't want the  neighborhood gossip mill to get on my case or to have a stalker three doors down if things got weird.

Anyway the dogs were getting super friendly and Mel got major wood going.  Kim laughed and said that his huge pink prick must be nearly as big as mine if the bulge in my running shorts was any indication.  (I ...

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