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The Betthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1279 words)

Author: MoonRose Picture in profile
Added: Nov 20 2004Views / Reads: 1532 / 1032 [67%]Story vote: 7.75 (8 votes)
A day out teasing each other leads to an evening out playing, and then a passionate night of fun.

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It is a warm comfortable summer day. My fiancé and I went down to a local amusement place. Before we left I decide that today I should tease him a bit by wearing a thin flimsy white bra and a tight white t-shirt, tight jean shorts with satin thong panties. When we get there we pay for 2 tokens for go-karts, 2 tokens for bumper boats and one round of mini golf for each of us. Since it is warm we start with the bumper boats and of course we both end up soaked. Next we go on the go-karts, which cause my nipples to get hard and they poke out through my bra and shirt. We go on the go-karts again then back to the bumper boats. By now we are cooled off, and many of the guys around are able to see my hard nipples, which is really turning me on.

Lastly we head off to a round of mini golf. Donny tries to tease me but I avoid his teasing hands and lips. Even though I am not very good at mini golf I make a bet with him. I tell him that it will be his chance to tease me. We go off where there are few people to discus our little bet. We agree that if I win, I will get a day being spoiled and pampered the following day. If Donny wins I will be his little sex slave for the rest of the day. After agreeing, I am debating on if I rather I want to win or loose, since either way I win.

As we play I am very distracted with trying to decide if I want to win or loose. By the 10th hole I realize it doesn't matter since I am loosing badly. The more I think of loosing the more turned on I get. I ended up loosing by 15 strokes. ...

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