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Sugar Daddy is Really Sweetthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 8570 words)

Author: Brittany Picture in profile
Added: Jan 11 2006Views / Reads: 2538 / 2074 [82%]Story vote: 9.15 (13 votes)
A tipsy Ashlie indulges some fantasy roll playing with and older man of her acquaitance - Written by Brittany

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Hello, it's me Brittany, hugs & kisses. As most of you who know me know, most of the stories I write are mine, however I do post stories for friends. In some cases I actually write the stories that they relate to me, those usually lead to some pretty interesting stories in and of themselves, but I digress. The following story is NOT about me, but is about .... Allie...... I just happen to be a better word-smith, and she really doesn't like to type. Besides, she usually writes the whole thing out long hand, and I type it in, then read it back to her, and then we "word smith" to make it sound better. While this is going on we both usually get quite hot, and well, I'm the only one whose hands are occupied, and she sometimes can't wait. So don't be surprised if you find typos at various times, it can be hard to focus with a gorgeous distraction like Allie licking your pussy while you try and type.

I had just turned 21, and was taking courses at the local community college in the summer. One of the courses which I took was a Business Management Course that featured 6 or 7 guest speakers through the 5 weeks of the course. These were all local people who would come in and "lecture". Most of the session was question and answer so that we had the opportunity to ask people who had gone through the experience what we could expect. It was very eye opening as to what any of us who thought opening a business of our own would face. The books were great in theory, but boy did they leave quite a bit out.


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