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New Horizons- Ch 13this story is part of the FanClub (ff:group, 7175 words) [12/16] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Jul 02 2008Views / Reads: 480 / 381 [79%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Sam is forced to go on vacation but Laurie and Wendy have other plans for her. The first mention of New Horizons-Las Vegas

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New Horizons-Ch. 13

By Slyfox

Dear Readers. I ask your patience with this chapter. While the sex is good, I felt that it was absolutely essential in setting up a new chapter in Samantha's life, with new characters and a change in settings. I promised more passion in this chapter, I know, and I hope I don't disappoint but as I wrote it, I realized that the only way to make things work was to split the chapter into two since this one went on so long. I hope you don't give up on me.

The week following my experience with Brandi, my period started, which meant no sexual activities and I have to admit that I almost welcomed the time away from it. That Thursday evening, I was relaxing on the couch with my head back and my eyes closed. I'd had a rough day at work, my body was aching, and I was horny, as is my usual situation during my period.

I was mentally running through the things I needed to do, including contacting Laurie and/or Wendy regarding my shortcomings with Brandi. I had to watch my timing, because Danni's orientation was awfully close and I promised her I'd be there and I would. I also had to contact my next candidate and get something arranged with her if possible, and I'd missed the last chapter meeting completely. ...

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