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I want you become my loverthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 2827 words)

Author: Roger
Added: Nov 17 2021Views / Reads: 1429 / 1107 [77%]Story vote: 9.56 (9 votes)
A girl is seduced by another woman

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Summer 1990 I was 19 and still living with my parents. A few months before I split out with my boyfriend and I don't know why, to kill the time maybe or the intent to have a little money more in the pocket, I answered an add for babysitting. It was a young family living in my own town with two little babies. Roger, the husband, was 33 and a doctor working at the local hospital. Alexandra, the wife, was 31 years old. They lived with their babies in a beautiful suburban cottage with a pool and an ample garden. Alexandra had a home-working schedule and needed a lot of time to her work, so I did my babysitting even when she was at home. It was very pleasurable babysitting for Alexandra. The babies were delicious and she was a very intelligent young woman. Despite twelve years age difference she quickly became my best friend. Really I didn't care my schedule and frequently I remained in the house over my working hours. In the afternoon, especially when the husband was in hospital, I spent a lot of time with her speaking or sunbathing and plunging in the pool pampering the babies. A few times, Alexandra, being alone in the house with the babies because Roger was in hospital on a night shift, proposed me to spend the night there for a bit of company. Usually we ate a pizza, then put the babies in bed and watched television to call it a night. Then I slept in the guest room.

That night we ate our pizza as usual and after the babies were in their bed sleeping, I showered in my room and put on some comfortable clothes.


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