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Everything has a price.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 3314 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: Sep 20 2007Views / Reads: 4352 / 3998 [92%]Part vote: 9.00 (12 votes)
Working as a computer engineer, i thought i had seen everything that was until Jenny stepped into my shop, this beautful older woman needed her computer fixed. but would she let me fix her too...

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Everything has a price.

Placing the screw driver down on the second hand work station I pulled at the box watching the side slowly slide away giving me access to the components of the computer.

You see, it was my first year in business for myself, taking a course in computer maintenance, I finally scraped together enough money to rent small premises in a small shopping area.

The first month was slow, I had to close the shop at 3pm to go and work 8 hour shifts in a local factory. Six months later I was finally making enough money to be able to quit my night job.

Within five minutes I had replaced the video card and inserted a brand new larger hard drive into the computer then sat down writing out the bill.

I had made 50 pounds profit from the hardware add that to the 30 pounds labour charge and today was looking to be a good day.

This was my 6th job and I had already made about 300 pounds profit, not bad for a small shop.

Placing the pen down on the worktop I watched as a woman stood talking ...

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