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Writer's profile for 'Mikael De Narra'
ESmail Send private message
Email address mikaelsantangelo@mail.com
Birthdate August
Sex Female
Marital state Separated
Profession Writer

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'Mikael De Narra' has written 2 stories (2 in archive):

Collide Chapter 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 1585 words) [1/2] show all parts
Author: Mikael De Narra
Updated: Aug 18 2016Views / Reads: 907 / 683 [75%]Story vote: 9.10 (14 votes)
A military man wakes up in the enemy camp, blindfolded and chained helplessly to a bench, He gets an unusual taste of "torture" from a woman who claims to know him. And she knew him just a little too well...
Stars Chapter 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 594 words) [1/8] show all parts
Author: Mikael De Narra
Updated: Oct 22 2019Views / Reads: 954 / 4 [0%]Story vote: 9.29 (8 votes)
A young professor in his thirties and his post-graduate student in her forties both share mysterious histories and lots of chemistry. Despite them having their own partners, they find themselves wanting each other in ways they've never known possible

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